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What are Community Support and Development Programs?

Our goal at the Community Support and Development Pillar is to increase community residents' participation and engagement by breaking down structural barriers. We aim to achieve this by focusing on priority neighbourhoods, improving residents' capacity to participate in neighbourhood and community activities, and fostering a greater sense of belonging.

“Community development is an inclusive process whereby community members become engaged, educated and able to generate and implement collective solutions to shared concerns (Gray, 2019, p.15).”

Community Support and Development Programs

Individual Support

Crisis Intervention - Tax Clinic - OESP - LEAP - Short-Term Counselling - (and more!)


Children, Youth and Family Programming

Basketball - Violin - After School - Art - March Break Activities

Anti-Poverty Project 2009.jpg

Adult and Senior Programming

Thai-Chi - AI Art - (and more!)

Carson Spring Clean up 2004.jpg

Community Development

CDF Framework - PINS - Support to Community Associations in Ward13 - (and more!)

Poverty Reduction

What are Poverty Reduction Programs?

Our goal at the Poverty Reduction Pillar is to address and alleviate poverty through an innovative and multifaceted approach that seamlessly blends immediate assistance with long-term empowerment strategies. We achieve our goal by providing essential food and nutritional support while embracing innovative urban agriculture and indoor farming to enhance community self-reliance. Our initiatives also focus on nurturing youth entrepreneurship with creative methods and ensuring efficient, fair distribution of resources.


By integrating these innovative strategies, we aim to address immediate needs and foster sustainable, community-driven solutions against poverty.


Food Bank

Community Fridge - Baby Cupboard



Innovator13 - Youth Skills Development


Social Harvest

Grow Towers - Community Garden - Indoor Farming - Composting - Sensory Garden


Gifts In-Kind

Donation Management - Community Support - Poverty Reduction


Good Food Box


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Exchange for Good

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